Bell & Spina...
From the beginning (1987) Saint Joseph’s Church, Camillus, Roof Replacement
...began as an all-purpose architecture and design firm in 1987. As the company evolved, the firm began to target, pursue and participate in building envelope projects. Our extensive experience in roofing and envelope design, forensics and historic rehabilitation has earned us a respected reputation as a specialty firm that focuses on the building enclosure and high-performance building envelope design. Our portfolio of work includes private and public institutions, colleges and universities, and public entities throughout New York State.
...We have had a commitment to excellence with an integrated design approach. This approach centers around quality documents that are technically sound and well-coordinated. This process has garnered us the trust and confidence that our clients want and need.
It is our job to give you our professional opinion, which may not necessarily be what you want to hear – but what you need to know.

J.C. Colgate, Colgate University, Roof Replacement